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Family office refers to a privately owned organization that is concerned with the management of finances and assets for wealthy families. This organization secures and take care of the family’s investments with the sole aim of transferring the wealth over to the future generations.

Offshore Trust

An offshore trust refers to a conventional trust that is formed under the laws of an offshore jurisdiction. In Singapore, trust services companies is supervised by the Trust Companies Act which was established by the Singapore government. Also, they are licensed and supervised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Foreigners Insurance

Insurance policies offered to foreigners has higher yields and pay outs, lower premiums and are overall better investment opportunities. 

Singapore’s strict set of laws and regulations give policyholders high levels of protection and extensive security.

Securities/Unit Trust

A unit trust refers to a fund where multiple investors pool their money which would be invested into a variety of assets by the fund manager. At the end of the process, the returns will be shared among the investors that has contributed to the trust fund.